Service in Faith

“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.

Use them well to serve one another."  — 1 Peter 4:10

Living Victorious Lives in Christ

Service in Faith will provide service to our local church by (1) responding to the needs of the membership at times of church related events; (2) by providing courtesies to families at the time of celebration, illness or bereavement; (3) by responding to wider opportunities for service in the community and world missions; and (4) by encouraging fellowship and enrichment among our church members and friends through meetings.

Membership includes all, including both member and friends of the United Church of Christ, Yankton. Members are divided into monthly teams with chairpersons to organize the monthly duties and are invited to serve on committees within the organization. Each July, a Service in Faith Book is updated and mailed to each member.

Meals on Wheels

We deliver meals on Wednesdays from The Center.


Serve refreshments for Fellowship Time after Sunday worship in Pilgrim Hall.

Christmas Coffee

Annual Christmas Pie and Coffee/Apple Cider and Bake Sale fundraising event held on the first Sunday of December.

Monthly Service Groups

Organized to share the "cost and joy of discipleship".

Ministry Details 

Courtesy Committee

Worship Flowers

Funeral Luncheons

Receptions/Social Events

Christmas Coffee

Fellowship Time after Church more


Make Church an Adventure

To find out how you can get involved in Service in Faith at Yankton United Church of Christ, please submit the form below or contact:

Chairs ~ Arlene Stoebner and Kay Farrar

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